Irritated skin is usually a symptom of another condition, like eczema, allergies, or even dry skin. Luckily, mild skin irritation can be soothed by first avoiding products that have irritants like fragrances, alcohols, or dyes. Look for a gel moisturizer that has soothing ingredients or properties that can immediately soothe the skin, to prevent itching or further irritation.
If you experience dry sensitive skin, especially during the winter time, it may be because of your skin barrier. Skin irritation on face can be frustrating, but steps can be taken to soothe your irritated skin. Skin irritation can occur when your skin barrier is damaged, which can lead to your skin not retaining enough moisture. You can try repairing dry patches on skin with a face balm or moisturizer, and avoiding touching the area. When you're looking for a restorative moisturizer for dry skin, look for moisturizing ingredients, like hyaluronic acid, which can provide long lasting moisture and repair.
Irritated or chapped lips can be caused from dry skin or touching the lips throughout the day. Try applying lip repair balm liberally before you go to sleep. Pair your lip repair balm with a lip sleeping mask to retain moisture throughout the night.