Caring for acne-prone skin requires a skincare routine that is specially adapted to your skin’s needs. No matter how severe your acne is, give yourself the best chance of treating it by following these four simple and effective steps every day.
The first step is to thoroughly cleanse your face day and night using a gentle, soap-free purifying gel that eliminates excess sebum and impurities without irritating or drying your skin. Then, use an astringent lotion to gently exfoliate your skin and unclog and reduce pores upon application. For the third step, choose a product formulated to treat your acne—and not just your pimples—to target every phase in your skin’s acne cycle, from clogged pores to breakouts, clearer skin and the development of scars. The treatment should also hydrate your skin for 24 hours to keep it feeling fresh and control shine. Finally, always end your morning routine by applying an oil-free sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to your face and any other exposed areas, since products for acne-prone skin contain acids that make skin more sensitive to sunlight.