Rosacea is a skin condition that can develop over time, and it can lead to persistent skin redness on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Rosacea is usually more common on people that have pale and thin skin, allowing for small blood vessels to become more visible and dilated. Changes in temperature, smoking, alcohol consumption and stress can all contribute to the appearance of Rosacea. Although rosacea treatments require medical grade lasers and creams, there are ways to prevent the appearance of this chronic skin condition. Rosacea creams or skin redness treatments, such as La Roche-Posay’s Rosaliac products, can neutralise redness, and strengthen thin and damaged skin. Rosaliac products offer a complete program for reactive skin, like our Rosaliac UV Rich sunscreen, that will neutralize redness and intensely protect sensitive, redness prone skin. Discover also our specialist skincare solutions to help visibly reduce the appearance of dark spots and even out complexion.