A gust of wind, a ray of sunshine, a dish too spicy or an emotion... while other skin types lead "a normal life", the sensitive skin sees red for nothing.
When skin lacks an effective barrier function, elements in the environment such as pollution or other aggressors can penetrate skin more easily and trigger irritation, setting off the annoying symptoms often associated with sensitive skin: tingling, itching, redness…
Even if you are pretty clued up on your allergies and know the triggers that set off sneezing, watering eyes, asthma and wheezing, or simply bring you out in blotches, make sure you take a careful look at your daily routine.
Learn why you should integrate mineral tinted sunscreen into your skincare routine. Your skin will look radiant while it’s being protected from UVA/UVB rays.
Like the gut, skin has its very own ecosystem of commensal or friendly bacteria. Every day, these bacteria are revealing new and beneficial functions: one of the most interesting areas of research is the “cross-talk” between skin microbes and the immune system.